Month: November 2020

A comforting cauliflower soup. Stunt-double for a hug.

A comforting cauliflower soup. Stunt-double for a hug.

A gently spiced soup for a cold, damp day. Not quite as nice as a hug, but it will make you feel warm inside nevertheless. The recipe – originally from MOB Kitchen – was amended by Phoebe and tweaked further by me. Roasting the vegetables 

Spag Bog – even better than yours!

Spag Bog – even better than yours!

Everyone has their version of ragu Bolognese, so I’m a little nervous making cocky claims about mine, but it is good I promise… As ever, low (temperature) and slow (cooking) is the key. 100g streaky smoked bacon – sliced into small strips, say 3mm 2